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2022-01-01 – Evil Leaders




May God bless you on His Sabbath day!


Every so-called conservative voice and their pundits in this country are outraged. It seems with every passing week their voices are getting louder. No one can fail to hear the indignant cries against Critical Race Theory being taught in the schools, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, the multi-trillion dollar spending bills, persecution of Trump and his administration while withholding justice from criminal liberals, cancellation of the Keystone pipeline while approving a Russian pipeline, weak foreign policy, criminals that rule the streets robbing and murdering, disparagement and criminal prosecution of law enforcement officials, cowardly military leaders, and the list goes on. Their outrage is real—and, perhaps, even justified.


However, it is too late for outrage. The problem is not the behaviors that result in so much madness, but the thinking behind it all. This problem had its beginnings at the start of the 20th century if not before. Up until now, the proponents of Marxism and Socialism over the years were a handful of mostly ignored authors and few of their followers. Mostly, it was conceived away from the light of the press and the hearing of the public. Today, however, a critical mass has been achieved in the numbers of people who are convinced that through chaos and lawlessness they can have power and wealth. Who can blame them? Those seeking power promote socialism to attract voters with free handouts. Those seeking wealth promote government spending as the means to fund their personal bank accounts. These temptations have always been around. As the Bible says, “the love of money is a root of all evils” (1 Tim 6:10).


Now that enough of the population has enjoined themselves to wickedness—the practice of evil—everything that was established by rules of good and decent order is now at risk. The corruption behind elections is a prime example where a few wicked people can alter the outcome of the entire nation. It also happens in the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. So, what is the reaction of the conservatives? Their goal is to flood Congress with more conservatives this year and reelect Trump next term. If successful, they think they will restore the country with more laws to prevent future illicit behaviors.


But what will that change? Seriously. Does anyone believe that trying to elect a conservative government every two to four years is even possible? Why would anyone believe that preventing Marxist or Socialist agendas in the federal lawmaking system is the solution to the problems? Those who scheme against conservative values have already demonstrated that they cannot be stopped by any of the millions of existing laws. Liberals in the justice system protect the criminals and traitors who, in turn, keep them in power by any means necessary. And their numbers are continuously increasing.


The problem is not the criminal behaviors, it is with criminal THINKING! With a critical mass of people who simply ignore the laws and are protected from punishment, laws are useless. It does not matter if the majority of the nation wants a return to a system founded upon one nation, under God, that purports to ensure freedom. Those who reject the notion of obedience to the government, even if they are physically forced to abide by the laws, continue their rebellion in their minds. At their core, “every imagination of the thoughts of [their] hearts is only evil continually” (Gen 6:5). They will never STOP THINKING evil and they will never stop teaching their children to think evil. Eventually, the majority of the population will actually be wicked. No one can stop their influence and takeover. Eventually, they will be able to do it legitimately, because they will establish laws that support their thinking.


So, if the problem is a growing population of evil-thinkers, what can be done about it? Nothing. This nation legally removed the one deterrent to evil thinking back in 1962 and 1963 when prayer, and then the Bible, were banned in public schools. Without the Bible and a relationship with God, there is no way to instill righteous-thinking into a nation. Once this nation eliminated that singular teaching from public schools, the ways of man took permanent hold. The same thing happened to Adam and Eve—Satan successfully convinced Adam and Eve to change HOW they think. What was the solution? God eventually had to kill every single person on the earth except for righteous Noah and his family.


In this age of mankind, once a person begins to think evil there is no stopping them unless, by some miracle, the person starts to obey God and His Word. Does that sound like a possibility in today’s world? Absolutely not. “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Mat 20:16). For this reason, there is coming a Day of the Lord—the vengeance of God—on a corrupt and evil-thinking world.


So, do not expect the elections this year to make a difference—or future elections. Do not look to Trump or any other person for change. Do not expect the conservative masses to rise up and restore this nation to lawful obedience. Do not believe this country can change for the better. Too many evil-thinkers abound and they are teaching their ways to this generation, the next generation, and every generation after that. No one can stop the rise of those that “draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin with cart ropes” (Isa 5:18). The end of all this is set. Change can now only come through destruction by the vengeance of God, who will start a new age with a people who are “of a poor and contrite spirit and who trembles at My Word” (Isa 66:2).


The course of the wicked is plotted and their ship has sailed, but God will not let them reach their destination. God has planned from before the foundation of the world to create a family of righteous-thinking and loving children. God sacrificed His very own Son to that end so no one can stop Him from completing His plan of salvation! To that is our hope. Our vision. Our salvation. Be “not doubting at all because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven by the wind and tossed to and fro” (Jas 1:6). Do not build your house upon the sand, but upon the rock who is Christ. Wait “for the city with the foundations of which God is the Architect and Builder” (Heb 11:10).


May God fill you with His peace and joy!


Steven Greene


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