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 Concerning which salvation the prophets who prophesied of the grace that would come to you have diligently searched out and intently inquired. – 1 Peter 1:10

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  • (Last Updated 2024-05-03)

Paganism & Holidays
  • Antikythera Mechanism

    by Nature Video

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    “New interpretations of the Antikythera Mechanism reveal that it could be used to predict eclipses, and that it had a dial recording the dates of the ancient Olympiads. The 2,000-year-old box of intricate gearwork provides a glimpse of the engineering prowess of the Hellenic world.”

  • Antikythera Mechanism – Working Model

    by Jo Merchant

    “Curator Michael Wright shows off his model of the Antikythera mechanism. The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient Greek clockwork machine found in a shipwreck, that has taken more than a century to decipher. Wright’s handmade reconstruction is the first to include all the known features of this complex device.”

  • Foundation Stones of New Jerusalem

    by IsraeliteHebrewAGCY

    (More information can be found at The Flood Museum in the article Gems and Minerals.)
    Ever wonder why diamonds are never mentioned as being used in the city of New Jerusalem? Incredible discovery of how the stones that were chosen to adorn the city react under PURE light! The stones of foundation are what scientists call anisotropic, meaning that when pure light is shined on them they produce a vast array of colors beyond the normal colors of the stones. Only God knew of this phenomena before this recent discovery.

  • Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus

    by Nehemia Gordon

    Highly recommended!
    The issues over which Yeshua wrestled with the Pharisees are simply not understood by modern Christians. Former Pharisee, Nehemia Gordon, a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and Semitic language expert, explores the ancient Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew, from manuscripts long hidden away in the archives of Jewish scribes. Gordon’s research reveals that the more “modern” Greek text of Matthew depicts another “Jesus” from the Yeshua portrayed in the ancient Hebrew version of Matthew.

  • Is What We Have Now What They Wrote Then?

    by Daniel Wallace

    Dr. Daniel Wallace explains the copying of the New Testament books and shows the reliability of the scribal processes.

  • Jesus, The Soul Shepherd

    by Joel P. Kramer (Expedition Bible)

    “How are we all “like sheep who have gone astray?” What does the Bible mean when it calls Jesus “the Shepherd of our souls” (1 Pet. 2:25)? Learn about this profound relationship between the Shepherd and His sheep.”

  • Jesus’ Tomb Explained – The Evidence and the Story

    by Joel P. Kramer (Expedition Bible)

    Joel P. Kramer travels from Israel to Rome to Turkey, to explain the evidence for and tell the story of the first and most important archaeological dig ever conducted – the excavation of the Tomb of Jesus.”

  • Searching for the Garden of Eden’s Pishon River

    by Joel P. Kramer (Expedition Bible)

    “Genesis chapter two describes the location of the Garden of Eden in relationship to four rivers. Three of them are known and one is a mystery. This episode of Expedition Bible searches for the lost river Pishon of Eden.”

  • Seventh Day

    Hosted by Hal Holbrook

    (The full series can be found here.)
    Eleven part video series on the seventh day Sabbath of the Bible. Hosted by award winning actor Hal Holbrook.

  • Sodom Burned—Zoar Did NOT!

    by Joel P. Kramer (Expedition Bible)

    Joel P. Kramer tells the exciting story of how the biblical Cities of the Plain (Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and Zoar) were discovered, including Lot’s Cave, and why it matters that the city of Zoar did NOT burn!

  • Unreal Planet

    by Lifeder

    “The Wonders of Earth is a incredible visual journey in which we will show you some of the most fascinating places in the earth that has an astonishing diversity of natural formations such as waterfalls, mountains, glaciers, and caves.”

  • Exodus Route, Red Sea Crossing, & Mount Sinai

    by Todd Fink (Holy Land Site)

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    “See the miraculous events of the route the Israelites took from Egypt, the location of the Red Sea Crossing, and the location of Mt. Sinai. The miracles surrounding this story, and the new discoveries in the last 50 years, reveal that the Exodus, Red Sea Crossing, and Mt. Sinai are much greater than most think.”

  • Patterns of Evidence – Exodus

    by Tim Mahoney

    Investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney journeyed to Egypt, Israel, and throughout the world in search of answers to one very important question: Did the Exodus, as written in the Bible, really happen? What he finds is astounding! A pattern of evidence matching the six major events recorded in the Bible.

  • Red Sea Miracle

    by Tim Mahoney

    Part 1
    Part 2

    After leaving Egypt, the Bible describes the Israelites crossing a deep sea that was miraculously split with walls of water on their right and left. When the Egyptians and their chariot force pursued, the water came crashing back down to destroy the entire army. Are miracles of this kind even possible? Join Timothy Mahoney as he retraces the steps of Moses and the Israelites, looking for answers in Patterns of Evidence.

  • Evidence the Temple Was on the Temple Mount Over the Dome of the Rock

    by Todd Fink (Holy Land Site)

    “This video provides the most comprehensive and complete evidence that proves the original temple of Solomon, and the rebuilt temples of Zerubbabel and Herod the Great, were located on the Temple Mount, exactly where the Dome of the Rock is today. Today, some are promoting the theory that the Temple was in the City of David and that the Temple Mount was a Roman Fort. We will answer each of their arguments with facts, the Bible, archeology, and eyewitness accounts.” – HolyLandSite

  • Temple Mount Tour

    by Todd Fink (Holy Land Site)

    “Experience a detailed video tour showing everything there is to see on the Temple Mount. We’ll explore Solomon & Herod’s Temple Platform locations, the Antonia Fortress, Eastern Gate, Royal Stoa, Solomon’s Portico, Al Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock & its platform, and more.” – HolyLandSite

  • The Last Supper & Pentecost Location

    by Joel P. Kramer (Expedition Bible)

    “Join Joel in learning how the Upper Room was found and identified, and marvel with him that we can still visit this site where Jesus shared his last supper with his disciples and instructed them to wait for the Day of Pentecost.”

  • The Temple Mount–Where it IS. Where it ISN’T. What is it FOR?

    by Joel P. Kramer (Expedition Bible)

    The Temple Mount has been standing on Jerusalem’s holy hill, Mount Moriah, for thousands of years. But exactly what is the Temple Mount? How did it come to be? Do we know if the Jewish temple really stood there in ancient times? All these questions are answered using the Bible and archaeology.”

  • Where Did the Temple Get Its Water?

    by The Israel Guys

    If the Gihon Spring in the City of David is the only freshwater source in Jerusalem, then it makes sense that the Temple is located there. This is the primary basis for a recent theory that the Temple in Jerusalem was not located on the traditional site of the Temple Mount but in the City of David. However, if water is proof of the Temple location and there are ancient water sources in and around the Temple Mount, then the Temple was never located in the City of David. (

  • Christmas Question

    by 119Ministries

    This documentary unravels the history of the Christmas holiday and explores the implications for today’s Christians. (Website:

  • Dark Origins & History of St. Valentine’s Day

    by History Biography Mythology

    “Valentine’s Day. We all know it as a time to celebrate romance and love but the origins of this festival of roses, chocolate, and Cupid are actually quite dark; in fact, bloody. So, what exactly is the story behind this lovey-dovey holiday? We’ll have to take a trip to ancient Rome.”

  • History of Easter – Is it a Pagan Holiday?

    by TruthUnedited

    Is it a day that that Jesus rose from the dead and conquered death, now giving us redemption through Him? There is a tremendous amount of history that says that Easter is completely pagan.

  • History of Valentines Day – A Pagan Holiday

    by TruthUnedited

    For most people today Valentine’s Day is regarded as a commercial day of love. … But it is much more than that. Valentine’s Day is a pagan holiday.

  • Illuminati and the One World Government

    by Amir Tsarfati

    “History of the satanic efforts of religions, cults, and modern power elite to rule the world with ‘the light of Lucifer’ as their guide. There is a deliberate plan and push for one leader and one-world government all around us.”
    (NOTE: Transcript available below the video on Youtube.)